Austin Real Estate - The Next Virtual Network
To start, let’s remember the mantra – This too WILL pass. Now for navigating the present. First, breathe a little, many essential businesses will NOT be interrupted (including financial institutions imperative to your home loan). Everything that can be moved virtual will be. Essential real estate business will still be conducted. We are OPEN - But like your favorite restaurant, it looks a little bit different right now.
We will continue to work with this tight knit Austin community of realtors to help you shop for your dream home (from home) as well as show our client's listings through top tech 3d virtual tours. When necessary, we will also conduct safe real estate transactions conducive to "essential business operations."
Here is what we know. We are better together, and now more than ever, are fostering an incredibly tight Austin virtual community all committed to keeping the market moving efficiently and safely by bringing real estate to you in dynamic and inventive ways.

The Good News
Contrary to what you might expect, despite novel obstacles to complement this novel coronavirus pandemic, Austin Real Estate IS in fact moving rather fluidly... especially considering. In fact every single week in March 2020, has completely BEAT the number of pending listings for each week in March 2019.
This means despite uncertainty, people in Austin were still choosing to actively enter into contracts on homes. While the Coronavirus has definitely caused a large hiccup in what was set to be the hottest real estate year every in Austin, the truth is it is just that - a hiccup. There are investor opportunities here, and a chance to shop the market with less traffic and insane competitive offer timeframes.
Raise your hand if you have had to decide to put an offer on a home in 30 minutes or less to try to beat out competition? MANY Austinites will attest to this. You have a chance now to spend more time evaluating your family's needs and wishes for what your dream home really looks like to you, and you have time to shop to find the right home that you really want. Homes are maintaining their steady market value, but ironically, virtual shopping in Austin right now could afford you more time to virtually fall in love with your next home, instead of the quick paced competitive infatuation we all have grown accustomed to accepting in the quick paced Austin market.
Be prepared for some unknowns, but we have legal addendums in place to protect both parties. The market is truly seeing a coming together of all parties to make transactions as fair, flexible and protective as possible, to respect all interests in extenuating circumstances. So sellers, if you list it they will still come and there won't be the same level of seller competition there will be later. Buyers, use this time to really think about what you want in a home and shop with intention. Investors? Consider a cash land buy to build on later or take advantage of market trepidation to add new depth to your investment portfolio.

Prepare for Tomorrow
Are there too many unknowns right now to mentally wrap your head around moving? Completely understandable! However, maybe right now is actually the perfect time to plan ahead instead. If you have time on your hands stuck at home, and are considering listing your home, now is a great opportunity to catch up on any DIY maintenance, start organizing and de-cluttering your home, or give your home a fresh coat of paint. Prepare for tomorrow to get ahead of the rush by setting up a virtual appointment with us to go over listing preparation steps and potential timelines. If nothing else, now more than ever you should love the home you are in, so prep your home to list or maybe just fall in love with your current home all over again. Simple home renovations will benefit you either way.
The city will keep running and we will move through this uncharted terrain the way Austinites do – with the steadfast grit of a Texan and the quirky adaptability and positive vibes quintessential to Austinites. This is our most disconnected yet connected moment in time. And the Austin Real Estate Market is a steady pulse deep in the heart of Texas.

Shelter in Place Order
Basically, if you can stay home, then stay home. However, keep your job, commerce and the economy moving by dedicating your shopping to online and pickup.
Essential Businesses
– Healthcare operations and pharmacies
– Veterinary care
– Stores that sell groceries and other essential supplies: grocery stores & supermarkets, convenience stores, liquor stores, big-box stores, pet supply stores, farmers’ markets, food banks
– Food cultivation, including farming livestock & fishing
– Gas stations, automobile repair & auto dealerships
– Banks & other financial institutions
– Hardware stores
– Critical trades: plumbers, electricians, exterminators, pool cleaners & those who provide utility work and other public works
– Mail & delivery
– Laundry service
– Businesses that supply other essential businesses or that supply products needed to work from home
– Restaurant takeout & food delivery
– Transportation to provide essential travel
– News media
– Home-based care & residential facilities/shelters
– Professional services (legal, accounting insurance, real estate) & IT services
– Moving supply services
– Hotels & motels
– Funeral services
– Educational institutions “for purposes of facilitating distance learning, perfonning critical research, or perfonning other essential functions, provided that social distancing of six-feet per person is maintained to the greatest extent possible”
– Childcare facilities, in order to allow caregivers to carry out essential business